Chongming picks up speed on road of modern agriculture

Li Xinran
Chongming is developing new agricultural productivity and building an Agricultural Silicon Valley of the Yangtze River Delta.
Li Xinran

Technological innovation is the fundamental driving force behind the development of modern agriculture, and Chongming, as the largest rural area in Shanghai, is picking up speed on the new road of modern agriculture.

A conference on "Accelerating the Development of New Quality Agricultural Productivity and Promoting the Construction of Chongming World Class Ecological Island with High Standards" was held on Thursday, bringing together the driving forces of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, and writing a new chapter in industrial development.

Chongming picks up speed on road of modern agriculture
Wu Xiong

Machines harvest crops.

Technology empowerment

In the vast fields of Chongming, new forces of agricultural science and technology innovation are everywhere. In the workshop, digital seedling-raising service centers complete a rice seedling tray in just one minute.

On the field ridges, unmanned aerial vehicles shuttle back and forth fertilizing the crops. In the greenhouses, water and fertilizer are measured and mixed for precise irrigation. In ponds, "Chongming No.1" crabs are farmed and harvested, using data sets to optimize healthy results.

In promoting the construction of a world-class ecological island with high standards, Chongming is continuously developing new agricultural productivity, and building an Agricultural Silicon Valley of the Yangtze River Delta.

In the keynote speech section of the conference, the guests shared ideas on the theme of "Empowering Agricultural New Quality Productivity with Technological Innovation." Ma Chuanxi, vice chairman of the Anhui Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference, stated that agricultural technological innovation should also promote ecological environment construction.

Ma Jun, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that Chongming should rely on ecological recycling agriculture to boost the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Agricultural Silicon Valley.

Liu Beihua, secretary general of the China Agricultural Green Development Research Association, spoke of the need to innovate agricultural green technology and lead agricultural green development.

Cai Youming, president of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that technology should empower new agricultural productivity and assist in constructing Chongming's world-class ecological island.

Li Jun, director of Chongming District, said: "We should promote the construction of the Chongming world-class ecological island with high standards and create a Chinese path-to-modernization Chongming model."

Led by the Agricultural Silicon Valley, Chongming is partnering with agricultural universities and research institutions in the Yangtze River Delta region, bringing together leading scientists and outstanding experts.

The conference also released several cutting-edge technological achievements such as protein nutrient liquid bio-fertilizers, new natural fertilizer enhancers, intelligent agricultural machinery equipment, and high-quality seed sources.

The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has released its intention to support the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Agricultural Silicon Valley as a key agricultural science and technology innovation project.

It will guide research institutes and agricultural enterprises to carry out research and development on agricultural technologies, providing strong support for the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Agricultural Silicon Valley.

Chongming picks up speed on road of modern agriculture
Guo Wangyizhe

The Chongming Digital Seedling Breeding and Supply Center brings high-tech to plant propagation.

Building nests to attract phoenixes

Shanghai has issued implementation opinions on accelerating agricultural technology innovation in the city, clearly supporting the construction of the Agricultural Silicon Valley in the Yangtze River Delta region and creating a highland for innovation and entrepreneurship.

At this conference, Chongming also released support policies for the agricultural Silicon Valley in the Yangtze River Delta region, including enterprise settlement, scientific research and experimentation, achievement transformation, production and sales, project support, talent guarantees, and other aspects, further assisting enterprises in technological innovation and creating a favorable policy environment for science and technology innovation enterprises.

In addition, as an important carrier space for the spillover function of the core area of the Yangtze River Delta Agricultural Silicon Valley, the high-tech agricultural development belt is also an important construction content of the Agricultural Silicon Valley.

"We will focus on cultivating a group of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises with long industrial chains, high product visibility, wide brand influence, and strong driving benefits, and promote high-quality agricultural development with new quality productivity," said Miao Jing, Party secretary of Chongming.

Chongming picks up speed on road of modern agriculture
Ti Gong

Juvenile crabs are released into a pond.

Full service

To give every "innovation seed" the opportunity to grow into a "towering tree," a first-class business environment is indispensable. Chongming has shown "100 percent" sincerity in serving enterprises, investing "100 percent" strength to solve their problems, accelerating the construction of supporting facilities such as the Yangtze River Delta Agricultural Silicon Valley Science and Technology Innovation Service Center, building a full chain service guarantee system, and striving to make every science and technology innovation enterprise feel at home.

Chongming has taken the Yangtze River Delta Agricultural Silicon Valley as a starting point to accelerate the transformation of ecological advantages into development advantages.

Along the way, what is visible is the incubation and growth of science and technology innovation enterprises, while what lies unseen is the chain reaction brought about by the aggregation of technological innovation resources.

In the future, in the vast fields of Chongming, new quality productivity will continue to lead modern agriculture to undergo new changes, and the vision of comprehensive rural revitalization is slowly being painted. Chongming will also stride forward on the road of high-quality agricultural development.

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