Kidney surgery on pregnant woman a success

Cai Wenjun
Pregnancy is no longer a bar to kidney tumor surgery, according to local doctors.
Cai Wenjun

Pregnancy is no longer a bar to kidney tumor surgery, according to local doctors.

Surgeons at Shanghai's Renji Hospital have successfully operated on a pregnant woman with a huge kidney tumor, saving both her and the baby.

The woman, who was in the fifth month of pregnancy with her second baby, had been diagnosed with an eight-centimeter diameter on her left kidney.

The hospital organized a discussion with leading experts from multiple departments in order to find out the most appropriate plan.

One difficulty was that the enlarged womb would make surgery difficult.

Doctors carried out a minimally invasive operation to remove the entire tumor.

The woman is now awaiting the birth of her baby.

Doctors said when considering such surgery the safety of the mother and baby should be closely monitored under the cooperation of experts from different departments.

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