◦ Bank of China
China's financial institutions report 7 pct growth in total assets - China Economy News

China's financial institutions report 7 pct growth in total assets

The figure represented a year on year increase of 7 percent said the Peoples Bank of China.
Shanghai aims to be leading fintech center within five years - China Economy News

Shanghai aims to be leading fintech center within five years

Shanghai is already a preferred base for fintech companies and talent as the central bank has made great efforts to promote the development of fintech in Shanghai said Shi Jiandong...
Citibank pilots foreign exchange business in Shanghai - China Finance News

Citibank pilots foreign exchange business in Shanghai

China Minsheng Bank CITIC Bank and Bank of China are among the first banks in the pilot program.
Measures released to support individual businesses - China Economy News

Measures released to support individual businesses

The Shanghai Administration for Market Regulation signs a cooperation agreement with the Shanghai branch of the Bank of China on Tuesday.
China's central bank beefs up financial support for agriculture, small firms - China Finance News

China's central bank beefs up financial support for agriculture, small firms

The relending quota will expand by 100 billion yuan US 13.99 billion for qualifying firms in Chongqing Fujian Guangdong Guangxi Henan Heilongjiang Hunan Jilin Jiangxi ...
China's housing rental industry key to future of real estate market: central bank - China Nation News

China's housing rental industry key to future of real estate market: central bank

The housing rental industry in China which is expected to see robust demand and stable supply is a crucial direction for the new development model of the countrys real estate market in the future the Peoples Bank of China...
China lowers MLF interest rate to reduce financing costs - China Finance News

China lowers MLF interest rate to reduce financing costs

The Peoples Bank of China PBOC on Thursday also pumped 200 billion yuan US 28.
China cuts benchmark lending rate LPR - China Finance News

China cuts benchmark lending rate LPR

The monthly released data is a pricing reference rate for banks and is based on rates of the Peoples Bank of China PBOC s open market operations.
China's central bank lowers collateral requirement for medium-term lending facility - China Finance News

China's central bank lowers collateral requirement for medium-term lending facility

The move aims to increase the size of tradable bonds and ease the pressure on supply and demand of bonds in the market the Peoples Bank of China said in a statement on its website.
A fascinating neighborhood on the banks Suzhou Creek - Lifestyle in China

A fascinating neighborhood on the banks Suzhou Creek

A must see is the typically British circle Fuzhou Road and Jiangxi Road with the newly renovated former home of the Shanghai Municipal Council a five story neoclassical building...