New infrastructure talent in short supply

Tracy Li
Tracy Li
Millions of core technical positions in artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and related fields could go unfilled by the end of the year, a study finds.

Tracy Li
Tracy Li

There is a long-term shortage of core technical talent in the new infrastructure sector, which is expected to exceed 4 million by the end of the year, a new study finds.

While China is accelerating its 5G business and strengthening the construction of new infrastructure in fields such as artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of Things, talent for relevant industries has been in short supply in recent years, recruitment firm said.

Demand for information technology talent will continue to rise steadily and the talent gap will be further widened, with predicting that the sector will lack 4.17 million qualified applicants by the end of 2020.

In the first quarter, the most in-demand positions were mainly general technical talent in 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other fields. Among them, Java development engineers have the best career prospects, as about three jobs are available for each job seeker.

Positions like system architecture designer and algorithm engineer earned about 24,277 yuan (US$3,402)/month and 19,124 yuan/month, respectively, in the January-to-March period.

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