Survey: career progression top motivator

Tracy Li
Tracy Li
Job seekers on the Chinese mainland are more interested in their career advancement when considering new employment, according to a recruitment company's survey.

Tracy Li
Tracy Li

Career progression matters most to people on the Chinese mainland when considering a new job, according to an industry survey.

While salary is still a large motivating factor, career development and practices such as flexible working are more important, recruitment and information service company RGF said.

This is a change from the company’s 2019 survey, when 64 percent were most motivated by salary, followed by career advancement at 16 percent.

Work-life balance does not factor in the top motivators, with less than a quarter of respondents choosing this. Rather, they care about finding a good boss and a cohesive company culture.

Women and younger people have a higher expectation of pay rises when switching jobs, according to the survey, while men and older people on average appear to receive more money.

In 2019, the average expectation of a pay rise across the Chinese mainland was 20 percent, but this increased to 36 percent in 2020.

Bonuses (guaranteed or otherwise) and equity schemes rank highly for China’s job seekers, who expect to receive a bonus based on performance above all else.

Despite work-life balance not ranking highest as a motivator, candidates would like to see more flexible hours and remote working, which is likely given the working practices being put in place by many businesses because of COVID-19.

When considering a new job, younger employees are just as concerned as older people with expanding their knowledge and skills, according to the study.

Meanwhile, people on the mainland see themselves as being strong problem-solvers and responsible employees, but recognize they need work in the areas of communication and leadership.

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