Consumers experience voice command functions in cars prompting improvements
Shot by Jiang Xiaowei. Edited by Jiang Xiaowei. Subtitles by Jiang Xiaowei.
An event enabling people to experience intelligent voice command functions in cars was held in Minhang District on Thursday, to boost consumption and prompt auto firms to make improvements based on consumer requests.
It was jointly hosted by the Shanghai Consumer Council and the Minhang District Consumer Council.
Consumers were invited to experience the intelligent voice command functions in 14 types of cars from 12 auto companies, such as BYD, Tesla, Cadillac and NIO.
They were able to control air-conditioning, open and close windows, and broadcast music through voice commands.
Experts tackled consumer issues related with intelligent connected vehicles on site.
The event aimed to bring consumers closer to smart vehicles, while receiving consumer feedback, allowing auto makers to make improvements, consumer council officials said.

A resident experiences smart functions.