MSD China joins project to improve caring for cancer patients

This year's Lavender Ring project kicked off in Shanghai on Tuesday.
MSD China is offering more support for cancer patients through its collaboration with beauty and personal care partners, and has called for attention to the mental care of patients to help them return to normal life.
At Tuesday’s kick-off event, MSD China announced its participation as a co-supporter to promote the Lavender Ring Project 2023 initiated by Shiseido China, adding the new initiative would encourage more cancer patients to face life with optimism, and continue to be active members of the community.
Shiseido Group launched the Lavender Ring Project in Japan in 2017 and introduced it to China in 2022. This year, it would be expanded in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities.
The psychological and social impact of cancer on patients is tremendous, and helping cancer patients return to their normal lives has become a growing concern in society.

Senior Vice President of MSD and President of MSD China Anna Van Acker calls for more attention to mental care for cancer patients.
Anna Van Acker, senior vice president of MSD and president of MSD China, said: “Health is the foundation of all human beings, it is the core of life. For more than 130 years, MSD has brought health and hope to humanity through the development of important medicines and vaccines.
“The purpose of the Lavender Ring project is in line with our vision and mission to save and improve lives by putting patients first, and we look forward to the landing of the project with our collaborated strengths to help cancer patients improve life quality, to bring hope, smiles and power back to their lives,” she added.
“We also hope to generate greater awareness for a society where people know about the disease, care for patients and their families, and live fulfilling lives with smiles.”
"From years of experience in treating oncology patients, we urge the public to pay more attention to patients' needs," said Professor Guo Ye, deputy director of Medical Oncology at the Shanghai East Hospital of Tongji University.
"Cancer patients may suffer irreversible changes in appearance and body functions during treatment, especially those with head and neck cancers. In the process of clinical research and treatment, more attention should be paid to patients' emotional needs, and humanistic care is required to improve their quality of life."

Volunteers apply makeup to a cancer patient in Shanghai as the project is in its second year in China.
Shiseido China Chief Executive Officer Toshinobu Umetsu said he hoped more organizations would join the project in the future and work together to support cancer patients.
“We always believe that beauty is not the goal, a better life is," he said.
World Head and Neck Cancer Day is celebrated on July 27 each year, and as many patients with head and neck cancer suffer facial and cosmetic damage, including hoarseness of voice and swallowing disorders due to medical treatment, medical experts said they are a group that requires urgent social attention and care.
During the event, doctor Xue Liqiong from the Medical Oncology Department of Shanghai East Hospital explained the prevention and treatment of head and neck cancer as well as the necessary humanistic care.