CIIE turns spotlight on health and disease awareness

A joint proposal was made together with clinical experts and charitable organizations to call for early diagnosis and treatment of type 1 diabetes.
A wide range of public health and disease awareness initiatives have been highlighted during the China International Import Expo to call for attention from industry participants and the general public.
The Kids and Diabetes in Schools (KiDS) project, which was jointly initiated by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) and Sanofi, will be launched in China soon.
It aims to bring diabetes education to schools to fight diabetes-related stigma and promote healthy lifestyles to tackle the preventable risk factors for type 2 diabetes, and also a favorable community atmosphere for those with type 1 diabetes.
Information packs will be made into local versions to maximize the impact for the Chinese community and school environments.
A joint proposal was made together at the CIIE earlier this week with clinical experts and charitable organizations to call for early diagnosis and treatment of type 1 diabetes.

Migraine and unidentified head pain or neurological disorders are discussed among healthcare professionals.
Pfizer and JD Health made joint efforts to offer prevention, diagnosis, and health-care services for migraine patients, and especially diagnosis for unidentified neurological disorders or head pain.
Professor Li Yansheng of Renji Hospital's Department of Neurology called for the establishment of an alliance in the Yangtze River Delta Region to allow medical experts greater access to the Internet and online resources.
In this way, treatment capabilities could be extended to primary care institutions and benefit migraine patients.

Roche's patient care program sheds light on treatment and mental care for hemophilia patients.
Roche Pharma's patient care program hopes to shed light on over 136,000 hemophilia patients in China, with mental care and innovative treatment also called for by health-care professionals.
It has partnered with Sinopharm Group's affiliate Medi Cover to offer a commercial insurance program for hemophilia patients and offer subsidies for treatment.
Director of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation Bei Xiaochao called for the long term attention and benefits for rare diseases like hemophilia and wanted to mobilize more resources to help patients lead normal lives.

Parties have high hopes for future efforts to support cancer patients, at the closing ceremony of the Lavendar Ring project.
The Lavender Ring project was successfully concluded earlier this week, and offered support for cancer patients through collaboration with beauty and personal care partners.
Through four sessions in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou earlier this year targeting cancer patients, the project encouraged more cancer patients to face life with optimism, and continue to be active community members.
The closing ceremony served as a summary for previous achievements as well as a teaser for further efforts from industry partners and communities to offer more support for patients, explained Anna Van Acker, senior vice president of MSD and president of MSD China.