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SenseTime founder 'revived' by AI technology

Zhu Shenshen
Digital avater of renowned scientist Tang Xiaoou, who passed away in December, gives a talk at annual event in the latest example of someone being given new life after death.
Zhu Shenshen

SenseTime founder and renowned AI scientist Tang Xiaoou, who died in December, has been "revived" in a digital avatar format powered by the latest generative AI technology.

Tang, generated by AI technology, gave a talk at SenseTime's annual event recently. He talked about the past year and made some forward-looking visions, and drunk water once.

The video, which was published in SenseTime's WeChat account, shows a remembering and reminiscing Tang as an AI industry scientist, leader and business elite, according to SenseTime.

It was powered by SenseAvatar, an AI digital human video generation platform, with professional algorithms, linguistic macro-models, AI text-generated diagrams and other capabilities. It can generate digital avatar videos with "a smartphone and at least five-minute video content."

It's not the only case of people using AI to "revive" those who have died.

Recently, renowned Taiwan musician Bao Xiaobai revealed in a recent interview that he used AI to "revive" his daughter, who had passed away at the age of 22 due to a rare blood disease.

Tang, who was also director of Pujiang Lab, director of Shanghai AI Lab and professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, passed away due to health issues on December 15 last year at 55 years of age.

Tang helped found Shanghai's city-level AI labs and was a frequent speaker at the opening sessions of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference or WAIC in recent years.

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