Exhibit marks cultural exchange year between China and Italy
The friendship between China and Italy dates back at least 700 years when Marco Polo arrived in China via the Silk Road. Since then, the two countries have exchanged with one another in the fields of trade and art.
The year of 2020 was expected to be the China-Italy Culture and Tourism Year. However, the event was postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19. This year, the event will be resumed, and a series of activities will be held to celebrate the friendship between China and Italy.
Now, the ongoing "Gazing of Tranquility: Italian Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition" at Zhejiang Art Museum heralds the beginning of the cultural exchange year. Thirty-five sculptures from eight Italian artists are on display.
In 2018, Bruno Walpoth's first solo exhibition in Asia was held in Hangzhou, which caused a sensation citywide. He was invited to produce a piece especially for the Zhejiang Art Museum, and the high fashion model Xiang Yejing was selected as the model.

Massimiliano Pelletti's work "Crystal Venus"
Walpoth's Xiang creations are also on display at the exhibition. A life-size statue is placed on a plinth, and its attire is reduced to minimum. The melancholy and serenity in the sculpture's face makes Walpoth's work distinctive.
In addition to Walpoth, the museum also invited Aron Demetz, Gehard Demetz, Massimiliano Pelletti, Walter Moroder, Peter Demetz, Herman Josef Runggaldier and Willy Verginer. All the exhibits feature a distinct personal style and superb carving skills.
Pelletti's work "Crystal Venus" is reminiscent of Venus de Milo, one of the most famous ancient Greek sculptures. Different from the millennia-old creation, Pelletti only carves half of the head on one side but maintains the original agate texture on the other. Looking at the sculpture from the left side, visitors will see entire Venus with a mild face. Viewed from other angles, the sculpture seems a half-finished work, adding some contemporary aesthetics.
Gazing of Tranquility: Italian Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition
Dates: Through February 20, closed on Mondays
Venue: Zhejiang Art Museum
Address: 138 Nanshan Rd