Qingpu hosts unusual art exhibition to mark Winter Solstice

The exhibition
To mark the coming Winter Solstice, an exhibition of 100 visual works opened in Qingpu District on Thursday.
In China, the Winter Solstice, like the Qingming Festival, is a time when people pay respects to their ancestors. This year, it falls on December 22.
The works are about 100 people of varying ages, jobs, and backgrounds.
The organizers said they started accepting photos and stories in August. The idea was to raise public awareness about life's education. Later, 100 pieces were chosen for display.
These stories center around remains such as a watch, a crutch, a testament, and a sewing machine.

An old watch
One unique work deals with 70 shell fragments taken from a New Fourth Army soldier who endured more than 70 injuries during the Yangtze River Crossing Battle.
Another deals with the sewing machine of a grandmother who used the machine as a youngster to make clothes for her granddaughter.
The woman died 20 years ago, and her granddaughter has kept the machine as a cherished memory.
"The machine makes me feel that my grandmother is alive and retains a happy childhood memory," the granddaughter said.

A sewing machine
Exhibition info:
Time: 8am-4:30pm, through December 25
Venue: Humanism Memorial Park of Shanghai Fushouyuan 上海福寿园人文纪念公园
Address: 600 Lane 7270, Waiqingsong Highway, Qingpu District 上海市外青松公路7270弄600号

The medals of a solider