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Rare feathered friends spotted in Wusong bird habitat

Yang Yang Mao Haiping
A common buzzard, a bird species highly sensitive to the ecosystem, was recently spotted in Minhang District's Wusong River Bird Habitat.
Yang Yang Mao Haiping
Rare feathered friends spotted in Wusong bird habitat
Ti Gong

A common buzzard

A common buzzard, a bird species highly sensitive to the ecosystem, was recently spotted in Minhang District's Wusong River Bird Habitat thanks to the improved water condition and ecosystem.

Common buzzard is a medium-sized raptor and national level-2 protected animal species.

Common buzzards are very choosy about their environment, according to Wang Hongwei, associated professor of School of Ecological Technology and Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology. "They mainly prey on rodents and small bird species, and stay at a place only if there is sufficient food. The ecosystem of the Wusong River Bird Habitat is turning better. It now meets the living standards of these common buzzards," Wang explained.

Sojourner and permanent resident birds in the habitat have now increased to 55 from 32 varieties in 2019, thanks to sufficient food supply.

The 0.82-hectare pond in the habitat is suffused with aquatic and wetland plants, benthos and fish, which attract water fowls like little grebe, heron and common kingfisher to nest. Plenty of bird-feed flora, including loquat, mulberry, grapes, peach, hawthorn and firethorn, have been planted.

"The birds are like couriers of nature. The more of them visit in their migratory season, the better the ecosystem is preserved," said Wang.

Wang and his team are using infrared cameras to monitor the birds, or do patrolling to record new animal species.

Rare feathered friends spotted in Wusong bird habitat
Ti Gong

Common kingfisher

Rare feathered friends spotted in Wusong bird habitat
Ti Gong


Rare feathered friends spotted in Wusong bird habitat


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Ti Gong

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Rare feathered friends spotted in Wusong bird habitat
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