District announces incentive packages to attract talent from home and abroad
Incentive packages to attract talent from home and abroad to Qingpu District have been released by the district government, involving housing, subsidies and residency permits.
The district has beefed up efforts to spare more housing resources as it focuses on accommodation for professionals.
It is encouraging subdistricts and towns, major industrial parks, enterprises and social forces in the district to get involved in the construction and allocation of housing resources and develop apartments in villages.
It targets to allocate 50,000 apartments for professionals in the district within three years, providing diversified and tiered options.
Support will be particularly delivered to young talent including fresh graduates, and for top talent, financial subsidies and residency convenience will be offered, the district government said.
For science and technology innovation talent, there will be exclusive policies for postdocs and policies covering the introduction, cultivation and awarding of talent in public services such as education, health, culture and tourism, sports, and journalism will be further improved.
Exclusive incentive plans for talent and teams in the integrated circuit industry, which has huge development potential in the district, have also been worked out, and support measures for entrepreneurs and young talent in the agricultural industry have been optimized.
By 2025, the district should boast 1,500 high-end talent and 189,000 innovative and entrepreneurial talent with bachelor degrees or above.
The package includes nine specific policies for different types of groups and areas.
Nobel Prize, Turing Award and Fields Medal winners, as well as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering who settle down in the district will receive a housing purchase subsidy as high as 5 million yuan (US$689,495).
Fast residency channels for top overseas talent and Chinese studying abroad and returning home will be opened with exclusive service windows providing exit-entry and residency convenience.
The incentives will also cover education of their children and medical treatment.
To encourage social forces’ involvement in the allocation, construction and management of houses for talent, a construction subsidy up to 250,000 yuan will be delivered, together with operation and service subsidies.
For agencies and individuals successfully recommending high-end professionals who have settled down in the district, a reward ranging between 20,000 and 500,000 yuan will be granted each time.
A new talent policy and service platform has gone online, providing one-stop information and application service for professionals.
It is accessible via Suishenban, Shanghai’s one-stop public service app, as well as the website of the Qingpu District government.
The platform will help professionals spot the most suitable programs matching their situation and offers guidance on housing subsidies and children’s education.
As host of the China International Import Expo, and an important part of the Yangtze River Delta Ecology and Greenery Integration Demonstration Zone and Hongqiao International Open Hub, Qingpu has attracted a number of leading companies such as Huawei and China’s home appliance giant Midea.
With the Yangtze River Delta Hi-Tech Park in Zhaoxiang Town and Xicen Science and Technology Innovation Park, the district has built a solid foundation to attract talent from both home and abroad.
Over the past three years, Qingpu has already earmarked more than 150 million yuan annually on average to support the district’s talent development and now boasts around 32,000 talent apartments, making it a magnet for professionals.