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Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

Lu Shujing
Are mosquito bites bothering you this summer? Read on and say goodbye to those pesky creatures at home and in the carefree outdoors.
Lu Shujing

Are mosquito bites and buzzing bothering you this summer? They may even spread diseases. Prevent mosquito bites while enjoying summer barbecues, picnics, and hikes.

Mosquitoes were unavoidable in ancient China. There have been reports in "Chuang Tzu" of mosquitoes interfering with sleep. Ingenious approaches and methods were devised to deal with them.

1. Spice bag

It is a type of traditional Chinese waist ornament worn around the waist. Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs such as agastache rugosus, mint, and perilla are thought to repel mosquitoes. Ancient cultures swapped these spices for therapeutic herbs. The smell repels bugs and refreshes the mind, making summertime more comfortable.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

2.Burning mugwort

Burning mugwort was also used to drive away mosquitoes. Mugwort is a plant that naturally repels mosquitoes. The smoke produced by burning dried mugwort or mugwort strips repels mosquitoes effectively.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

3.Mosquito suction lamp

The lamp features a trumpet-shaped opening. Due to the uneven air temperature, air flows into the opening as the wick burns. This airflow draws mosquitoes into the lamp, where they meet a fiery end.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

4.Mosquito net

Mosquito nets have a long history dating back to the Spring and Autumn (770–476 BC) eras, when they were known as "Chou (帱)." The emperor and nobles were the only people who used the nets because of the high cost of materials like silk fabric.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

There are many types of mosquito control products on the market now.

1.Foldable mosquito net

The foldable mosquito net, with its tent-like design, is a better net. Simply relax with the finely knit netting. Lightweight and portable, this is perfect for home use and the outdoors.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves
Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

2.Mosquito-killing lamp

It produces light that attracts mosquitoes, killing them instantly.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

3.Electric mosquito repellent machine

In comparison to traditional mosquito coils, electric machines are safer to use and do not emit smoke. One of the main components, pyrethroids, can cause the insect's nervous system to malfunction, rendering it immobile. Although this drug has little effect on humans, it is thought to be detrimental to pets like dogs and cats.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves
Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

Fumakilla Japan-mosquito Killer VAPE. It is portable and great for camping since there is no need to plug it in.

4.Ultrasonic mosquito killer

It emits ultrasonic waves that disturb pests' hearing and nervous systems, keeping mosquitoes away from your home. It can affect pets.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

5.mosquito repellent spray

This type of product, which commonly contains DEET or BAAPE, is used for spraying on clothes or skin. When it comes to babies, you should go for child-friendly products.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

6.Mosquito repellent stickers and bracelets

The stickers and bracelets are produced with citronella, peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils. It has no DEET, making it safer for children.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves
Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

Itching can drive you a little crazy. You may want anti-itch products.

1.Chinese traditional products

Florida water (Hua lu shui 花露水)

Hua lu shui (花露水), originally from the United States, shifts the emphasis from Cologne Water to sweet orange and adds spicy notes such as lavender and clove. Since the early 1900s, this liquid, which is packaged in slender green vials, has gained popularity in China. It is believed that the refreshing sensation, when applied to the skin, relieves itching.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

One of the most famous hua lu shui brands is "Liushen (六神)," which is also known as Six God.

There are other types of hua lu shui that are used to repel mosquitoes, such as mosquito repellent spray.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

Cooling ointment (Qing Liang You 清凉油)

A young man from Fujian Province named Hu Wenhu moved to Myanmar with his father at the turn of the 20th century and opened a pharmacy. He created "Wanjinyou (万金油)" based on herbs. It proved effective in treating mosquito bites, sunstroke, and headaches. It gained popularity throughout Southeast Asia and southern China. In the 1960s, "Wanjinyou (万金油) "upgraded its formula and renamed it.

It was exported to Africa in the 1990s. "Qing Liang You (清凉油)" has been a favorite among locals due to its intense cooling and itching-relieving properties, as well as its affordable price.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

"Wanjinyou (万金油): Tiger Balm

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

"Qing Liang You (清凉油)"

Essential Balm (Feng You Jing 风油精)

It is said that a spice factory in Fujian Province was inspired by "Qing Liang You" and created Essential Balm (Feng You Jing 风油精). Their efficacy is nearly comparable and is still widely used at home and abroad.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves
Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

2.Foreign products:

Japan: MUHI brand anti-itch liquid(无比滴)

IKEDAMOHANDO, the manufacturer of MUHI, was founded in 1909. MUHI is the best-known medicinal brand in Japan, with products that effectively relieve itching and prevent skin problems. The MUHI anti-itch liquid is well-liked in Japan, China, and elsewhere.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

Thailand: Herbal Balm(青草膏)

Originating in Thai Buddhist temples, the balm was formulated using ancient herbal formulas by monks. These herbs are believed to protect people from evil.

Herbal Balm, which produces a cooling sensation on application, is used to alleviate the pain and itching produced by mosquito bites.

Tips and tricks to keep the annoying critters from getting on your nerves

Here are some mosquito-repelling and mosquito-bites-prevention tips.

-Put on light-colored clothing.

-Reduce outdoor activity between dusk and dawn.

-Grow mosquito-repellent plants.

-Clear water.

-Eat carotene-rich vegetables.

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