Cute and cuddly capybara takes center stage

A fun interaction at the Cream Farm Spring Exhibition with capybara taking the center stage.
A grand party has been held for capybara lovers with the animal becoming a new favorite among China's young generation for its emotional stability and cute appearance.
The Cream Farm Spring Exhibition with capybara taking the central stage opened at Cloud Nine Shopping Mall in Changning District over the weekend, drawing big crowds.
As the debut of the exhibition which will also tour to other cities in China, it features capybara pop-up activities and performances.

A capybara at Shanghai Wild Animal Park
The exhibition venue replicates a huge farm and a camping site and people are able to touch real capybaras during the May Day holiday at the exhibition.
There are many photo-taking spots at the exhibition.
The animal has won the hearts of young people in China for providing psychological comfort and relieving their pressure and anxiety as it shows no emotional change not matter what happens.
At Shanghai Wild Animal Park in the Pudong New Area, capybaras will move to new home soon and people will be able to interact with them.

The exhibition area.
If you go:
Opening hours: 10am-10pm, through May 20
Venue: 1F, Cloud Nine Shopping Mall
Address: 1018 Changning Road, Changning District 长宁区长宁路1018号

A capybara at Shanghai Wild Animal Park.

Capybaras at Shanghai Wild Animal Park.