Shanghai's butterflies unfurl their colorful wings

Two species of butterfly feed on fruit.
With flowers in full bloom and colorful butterflies fluttering their wings, the annual butterfly exhibition at Shanghai Zoo in Changning District from Friday features a monthlong series of events.
The exhibition, in its 12th edition, will focus on live butterflies and chrysalises indigenous to Shanghai.
During the event, the release of butterflies, a fragrant butterfly garden, distinctive science popularization exhibitions, and educational activities will offer a multi-sensory experience for visitors.
About 20 and 30 species of live butterflies indigenous to Shanghai are on display at the Butterfly Garden. Among them the famous mimic species, the orange oakleaf butterfly, which is indistinguishable from dead leaves when stationary.

One of the butterflies which can be observed during the exhibition.
People can observe the process of metamorphosis in which larvae become first pupae and then butterflies, with many chrysalises of different species on tree trunks.
A display area has been set up outside the Butterfly Garden where visitors can view the process in three different species.
Other activities will include lectures, food plant nature classes, and museum painting and photography exhibitions.
The Butterfly Scale Art World: Butterfly and Moth Museum Painting and Micro Photography Exhibition combines science and art, conveying the aesthetic value of butterflies and the scientific principles behind them through the techniques of macro photography.
The museum painting works, with their exquisite detail and vivid colors, display the morphological characteristics of butterflies and moths, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the natural beauty of these insects.

Visitors to the zoo will be able to observe many species indigenous to Shanghai.
If you go:
Opening hours: 8am-5pm
Venue: Shanghai Zoo 上海动物园
Address: 2381 Hongqiao Road, Changning District 上海市长宁区虹桥路2381号
Admission: 40 yuan

Two foreign visitors take photos at the zoo on Thursday.