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French girls hunt countrymen in Shanghai alleys

Zhou Weiran Yu Wenhao Gao Ceng Chen Shasha Zhang Yingying
Join Clarisse, a French girl in Shanghai, and her Parisian bestie Ameilie as they explore the city's historic alleyways of Tianzifang.
Zhou Weiran Yu Wenhao Gao Ceng Chen Shasha Zhang Yingying

Shanghai's OG hotspot Tianzifang gets a renaissance! Join Clarisse, a French girl in Shanghai, and her Parisian bestie Ameilie as they explore the city's historic alleyways. Will they manage to find their French compatriots along the way?

Directed by Gao Ceng. Shot by Yu Wenhao. Edited by Zhou Weiran. Reported by Zhou Weiran, Chen Shasha, Zhang Yingying. Subtitles by Zhou Weiran.

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