Faulty food outlets in hot water

Hu Min
Four Shanghai businesses have violated food regulations.
Hu Min

Four Shanghai businesses have violated food regulations.

Carrefour, a canteen of East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Disney Resort, and SFC Shanghai Cinema breached standards, according to the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration. 

The Himalayas outlet of SFC Shanghai Cinema in the Pudong New Area had an illegal profit totaling more than 276,000 yuan (US$39,832) confiscated for selling chicken without obtaining a food operation license, according to the Pudong New Area Market Supervision and Management Bureau.

The students’ fourth canteen of East China University of Science and Technology in Xuhui District has been given a warning and ordered to make rectification by the Xuhui District Market Supervision and Management Bureau. 

It found there had been substandard cleaning and disinfection of dishware leading to excessive E. coli on chopsticks.

The Shanghai Disney Resort was fined 50,000 yuan by the Pudong New Area Market Supervision and Management Bureau. A consumer had bought three corn hot dog set meals for a total of 120 yuan from a food cart at the resort on July 18. But the production date of free tomato ketchup provided with the meals was January 6 with an expiry period of six months. The remaining expired ketchup was destroyed by the resort after the incident with the consumer compensated and refunded, according to the bureau. 

The Xujing outlet of Carrefour was fined 50,000 yuan by the Qingpu District Market Supervision and Management Bureau after the Angus O’Neil’s ginger beer sold by the outlet was found to contain excessive benzoic acid, which is a food additive.

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