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PRC history celebrated through movies

Xu Wei
A film festival celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the liberation of Shanghai.
Xu Wei

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the liberation of Shanghai, a film festival opened at Tianshan Cinema on Monday.

It will run for seven months at 17 theaters around the city. Actors, crew and critics will interact with audience after some screenings. 

According to Jin Hui of the organizers, the Shanghai Film Distribution and Exhibition Association, a lot of outstanding Chinese movies have been produced over the past 70 years.

Among the movies to be shown are “Mayor Chen Yi,” “Woman Basketball Player No. 5,” “The Life of a Peking Policeman,” “Living Dream,” “Shower” and “Don’t Be Young.” 

Most of the movies have been digitally restored.

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