Fast statistics of Lianghui: city's achievements and goals in environment
The air and rivers became cleaner and the city got greener last year.
Investment in environmental protection
Shanghai invested 3 percent of total GDP in environmental protection last year and will spend about the same this year.

Average PM2.5 concentration stood at 35 micrograms per cubic meter in 2019, down from 36 micrograms in 2018.

The percentage of water bodies rated below Grade V (highly polluted and the worst of five water quality levels) dropped from 18 percent to 7.8 percent in 2019 and the city vows to eliminate water bodies worse than Grade V in quality in 2020.

The city planted about 7,533 hectares of new forest in 2019 and the target for 2020 is 4,667 hectares.
The government established 1,321 hectares of new greenery areas in 2019 and 1,200 hectares are planned for this year.
The city constructed 210.1 kilometers of greenway in 2019 and the target for 2020 is about 200 kilometers.