Huashan medics celebrate their virus victory

Cai Wenjun
Hospital had 287 staff working on the front line of the battle against the pandemic in Hubei Province and at a designated hospital for coronavirus patients in Shanghai.
Cai Wenjun
Huashan medics celebrate their virus victory
Jiang Xiaowei / SHINE

A medic in Huashan Hospital has her picture taken in front of a board with the pictures of each medic serving on the front line.

All 287 medics from Huashan Hospital who served on the coronavirus pandemic front line returned to the hospital on Friday to celebrate their victory.

The hospital had sent the largest number of medics in China to Hubei Province, former epicenter of the outbreak, Huashan officials said.

A total 273 medics went to Hubei in four teams while 17 medics led by Dr Zhang Wenhong, director of Huashan’s infectious disease department, worked at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, the designated hospital for coronavirus patients.

Three medics went to Wuhan after fulfilling their tasks at the center.

“We created many records and saved many critical patients in the process,” said Dr Ding Qiang, Huashan’s president.

Huashan medics celebrate their virus victory
Ti Gong

A medic shows off a medal with her own picture, a souvenir the hospital has prepared for each medic serving on the front line.

Huashan medics celebrate their virus victory
Jiang Xiaowei / SHINE

Dr Zhang Wenhong (center) takes a picture with a female colleague serving on the front line.

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