Medics climb high to celebrate new building

Cai Wenjun
Xinhua Hospital staff get their running shoes on as they run up their new pediatric building to raise money for the treatment of children from poor families.
Cai Wenjun
Medics climb high to celebrate new building
Ti Gong

Medics from Xinhua Hospital complete a charity run in the hospital's new pediatric building on Tuesday.

About 100 medics at Shanghai’s Xinhua Hospital launched a charity building-climbing run on Tuesday to celebrate the use of its new pediatric building and also expressed their gratitude to the social support during the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Doctors climbed the new building, which was put into trial operation on July 31. All the corridors and stairways of the building were painted with interesting children's paintings by volunteers and local children.

All money collected from the charity run will be used for the medical treatment of poor children, the hospital said.

During the novel coronavirus epidemic, the hospital received 472,800 yuan  (US$67,543) cash donation and 5.08 million goods in value. All the money and goods have been put into appropriate use.

Medics climb high to celebrate new building
Ti Gong

Delight on the faces of medics as they complete their charity climb. 

Medics climb high to celebrate new building
Ti Gong

Paintings by volunteers and local children brighten up the stairway in the new building.

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