State grid ensuring stable power for CIIE

State Grid Shanghai Co adopts various cutting-edge technologies including robots and cloud systems to safeguard the power supply for the upcoming China International Import Expo.


State grid ensuring stable power for CIIE
Jiang Xiaowei / SHINE

An operator inspects electrical equipment at the Liantang substation in Qingpu District.

The State Grid Shanghai Co has applied advanced technologies including assisted robots and intelligent systems at substations to safeguard the power supply for the upcoming China International Import Expo.

At the 1000kV UHV Liantang substation in Qingpu District, an inspection system assisted by robots has been applied to enhance management efficiency.

The substation transmits approximately 16 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to the city every year.

It has undergone two weeks of maintenance to ensure a stable power supply for the CIIE.

According to an operator surnamed Mao who has worked at Liantang for five years, the system is China’s first intelligent inspection installation for substations which is capable of monitoring the operation of electric devices without interruption.

The robot, nicknamed Wall E from the film, can input the real-time data into a report shown to operators on a high-definition screen.

“Wall E has been here since 2014, but an enhancement in systematic functions last year has raised its accuracy and capability.”

Mao said the substations used to have at least 12 operators per shift, but now staff numbers have been halved with the new system.

“Wall E can help us with regular inspections on a daily basis, covering over 2,000 infrared thermometers and another 1,000 special marking areas,” said Mao.

The State Grid has also strengthened its patrols of power equipment, dividing its grid safety into three sections for the Expo venue, key areas and non-key areas.

Since May this year, the company has integrated infrared and ultraviolet imaging, acoustic and radio wave partial discharge as well as robotics in special inspections and risk detection.

The power supply management has gradually shifted its focus from equipment to data with the upgrading of intelligent systems.

With self-developed cloud technologies in terms of mobile terminal operations and non-intrusive data collection, the company now applies new work methods for the daily work including power management and fault research.

A panoramic smart power system was installed in the power command room at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), the main expo venue.

The system enables workers to keep track of the overall power supply, real-time load and emergencies on a big screen.

Information on the power load, temperature data and switch status inside the venue will be collected in the system, to be acquired by workers more conveniently.

Operators can also connect into the background command system through mobile devices, or check the condition of equipment with real-time parameters provided by augmented reality (AR) glasses.

The power supply for the expo venue is also ensured as the new project has been completed in time to improve the nearby substation network.

According to State Grid, its key substations and 5,400 kilometers of main transmission lines across the city are fully prepared for the upcoming expo.

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