Community planning trials to expand citywide
A trial involving the joint participation of community designers and residents in community planning and improvement will roll out citywide by 2022, Shanghai's civil affairs authorities announced on Wednesday.
The areas involved in community planning cover the renovation of old facilities such as parking spaces at communities, community environment facelifts and the improvement of public space, the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau said.
Community designers, including professors and experts in relevant areas, are encouraged to contribute their professional knowledge and experience in the trials, while residents will also play a major role, said Zhu Qinhao, director of the bureau.
Universities, scientific research institutions, industrial parks, companies and social organizations are encouraged to open their resources to provide support for community planning and social space governance, the bureau said.
A selection on subdistricts and towns included in the trial will be conducted next year, and the trial will be promoted citywide by 2022, according to the bureau.
"Old facility renovation and community environment upgrade are trifle things, but they are the most concerned of community residents," said Zhu.
Each subdistrict and town should pair with at least one community designer and regular discussions should be conducted on the planning and implementation of community projects at the grassroots, the bureau said.
Community designers will promote community space renovation knowledge among residents.
Surveys on residents' demand will be conducted and financial and resource support will be delivered in the scheme, the bureau said.
Community projects will be closely followed and evaluated by authorities during their implementation, according to the bureau.
"The scheme responds to residents' call on improving community environment, makes them involved in beautifying communities and lifts the refined management level of communities," said Zhu.
The city's communities are applying micro-revamping projects to improve the environment and services to residents.