Firefighters appointed school vice principals

Chen Huizhi
Chen Huizhi
All the middle schools in the city's Minhang District now have experienced firefighters to advise them on fire safety issues and educate their students. 

Chen Huizhi
Chen Huizhi

Fifty firefighters in Minhang District were appointed vice principals of 64 schools in the district on Thursday.

A new initiative in Shanghai, the aim is to enhance fire safety and educate students.

The vice principals will advise schools on fire safety issues, ensure fire safety around the buildings, carry out periodic safety inspections, train school staff in fire safety and organize annual fire drills..

All 58 middle schools in the district are covered in the program, and it will be introduced to other schools later, according to authorities.

The firefighters appointed are experienced in fire prevention, fire case investigation and fire safety publicity and include members of firefighting and rescue squads with experience in fire rescues.

Yu Xiaoping, vice head of the Minhang firefighting and rescue squad, said the appointments represented a new effort by the city’s professional firefighters and rescuers to raise society’s awareness of fire safety by educating the youngest members.

“We’re providing a more systematic approach to campus fire safety through this program, adding up to the current fire safety education in various schools,” he said. “We aim to improve the overall fire safety of the schools and enhance the students’ fire escape skills.”

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