Millions of jabs given to local residents

Qian Tong
A total of 2.3 million COVID-19 jabs had been administered in Jiading District by June 5.
Qian Tong

A total of 2.3 million COVID-19 jabs had been administered in Jiading District by June 5.

There are 18 vaccination sites and 13 mobile vaccination vehicles in the district, which can provide residents with vaccination services from four suppliers.

Volunteers are available at all the sites to help visitors.

"Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the virus, and I am willing to do what I can," said volunteer Li Gaojian who is over 50 years old at the vaccination site at the Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts in Juyuan New Area.

"It took me less than half an hour to wait for my vaccination here, which is very efficient," a resident surnamed Xu said.

To vaccinate more residents, the hours at many vaccination spots in Jiading have been extended to 8pm to make it easier for office workers, parents with children at home and people with other difficulties in getting to sites in normal hours.

With temperatures rising, some sites have been supplying cold drinks, TCM and other facilities to make the process more pleasant.

Also, a single-dose COVID-19 vaccination is available now in Shanghai. The CanSinoBIO vaccine uses a modified common cold virus known as adenovirus type-5 (Ad5) to carry genetic material from the coronavirus protein into the body.

Approved by the National Medical Products Administration, inoculation with the vaccine began in Shanghai on May 13.

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