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Fudan University focuses on management of startups

Yang Meiping
Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market had hosted 437 listed science and technology innovative companies by the end of July.
Yang Meiping

There is obviously a rich entrepreneurial culture in China as Shanghai Stock Exchange's STAR Market had hosted 437 listed science and technology innovative companies by the end of July, with an overall market value exceeding 5 trillion yuan (US$702 billion).

But how can these startups grow and develop sustainably? Fudan University School of Management launched a new program on Friday to train professionals in the management of startups.

According to the school, the program aims to cultivate entrepreneurs and executives in management knowledge and practical skills, as well as the characteristics of startups featuring scientific and technological innovation.

The first class of 64 students were selected from its management students. Aged 37 on average, they come from industries ranging from biomedicine and new information technology to new materials and environment protection. Among them, 24 percent are business starters while 63 percent are professional managers.

After finishing core courses for master's in business administration, they will learn top-level planning in science and technology innovative enterprises and new trends in technology development and application, and explore new modes for decision making and management in such companies, according to the school.

They will be tutored by prestigious professors of various disciplines from the university, including management, finance, life science and microelectronics, as well as entrepreneurs from famous scientific and technology innovation companies, such as Foresight Robotics and iFLYTEK.

"Science and technology innovation is the driving force for human progress and national development," said Jin Li, president of Fudan, at the launch ceremony of the program. "Scientific and technological innovation need to be supported by management and young talent.

"Take Fudan for example, we are strong in innovation in cutting-edge and high-end technologies, but to transfer our latest innovation achievements into products that can be accepted by consumers, we need a batch of outstanding talent in management.

"Fudan's School of Management is a pioneer in research on management of scientific and technological innovation. I'm look forward to it making fruitful achievements in this program."

Lu Xiongwen, dean of the management school, pointed out the development paths of current science and technology innovative enterprises are totally different from those of traditional trans-national enterprises.

"New management forms and logic need to be developed to help such companies to grow," he told students. "I hope most of you will join innovative companies as leaders."

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