Singapore, Chinese firms ink major deals to boost economic ties

Hu Min
Six memorandums of understanding and letters of intent on logistics, digital innovation, education and cosmetic products were signed between Singapore and Chinese firms at CIIE.
Hu Min

Singapore, Chinese firms ink major deals to boost economic ties
Ti Gong

Singapore's display at the 5th China International Import Expo.

Six memorandums of understanding and letters of intent on logistics, digital innovation, education and cosmetic products were inked at the 5th China International Import Expo on Monday to boost economic ties and business relations between Singapore and Chinese companies.

About 650 Chinese and Singapore business leaders attended the 5th Singapore-China Trade and Investment Forum online and offline.

The forum is a high-level bilateral business platform to foster dialogue and greater collaboration between Singapore and Chinese companies.

One of the agreements between SP Group and the government of Dezhou City, Shandong Province, covers the reduction of pollution and development of renewable energy.

Singapore, Chinese firms ink major deals to boost economic ties
Ti Gong

Singapore's display at the 5th CIIE.

A strategic tripartite collaboration among three companies will promote a smart solution for music education in China, which will spearhead the digital transformation of the music education industry.

China and Singapore will work together to contribute to the rapid growth of the digital economy, big data, and artificial intelligence technologies.

The Singapore Business Federation has brought more than 300 senior business representatives from 50 Singapore companies to the 5th CIIE, which will run through Thursday.

"The increased number of companies signals growing interest among Singapore companies to do business in China despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic," said SBF Chairman Lim Ming Yan.

As part of the forum, a customized business pitching session was held where senior representatives from 13 Singapore homegrown brands showcased their unique products and services to professional buyers, distributors and potential partners from China.

Singapore, Chinese firms ink major deals to boost economic ties
Ti Gong

Singapore delicacies at the 5th CIIE.

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