How to ensure a safe, speedy recovery from COVID infection
As more and more people have recovered from COVID-19 and are returning to work, here are some post-recovery tips.
Residents should take precautions even if they have recovered from infection, doctors reminded, including keeping social distance on public transport and ensuring ample rest after work.
People may get infected again if new virus variants appear or new substrains show strong immunity-evading features, said Wang Guiqiang, director of the Infectious Disease Department of Peking University First Hospital.
Because it is the peak season for infectious respiratory diseases, there are dual risks of COVID and other respiratory infections, doctors warned.
Public transport
Keep social distance when waiting for buses or Metro trains and wear masks properly throughout the whole trip and gloves if you have them.
Open windows for good ventilation when taking a taxi or ride-hailing vehicle, and wear masks throughout the trip.
At work
At offices, keep good ventilation by opening windows or turning on ventilating fans.
Open the window regularly even if air-conditioning ventilating systems are turned on.
Wash hands upon arriving at the office.
Wash or disinfect hands promptly after touching parcels or cleaning trash.
Enhancing cleaning or disinfection on public items at work spaces is also important.
Keep distance when dining at canteens. Avoid chats and face-to-face dining.
It is suggested that those just recovering from COVID avoid working overtime and intensive sports activities.
Wash your hands immediately after returning home from work.
Stick to a regular schedule and ensure sound sleep, and keep a good mood.