Zhihu holds event in Xintiandi for Shanghai's new workers

Zhu Shenshen
Zhihu, the Chinese equivalent of Quora, is holding an event in Shanghai's Xintiandi for residents new to the city's workforce.
Zhu Shenshen

Zhihu, the Chinese equivalent of Quora, is holding an event in Shanghai for workplace newcomers to share and debate on topics including work, lifestyle, mental conditions and entertainment.

New members of the workforce in Shanghai are invited to gather and share their experiences online and offline.

Lucky visitors can get free craft beers at the event in the downtown Xintiandi.

If you go:

Date: Through July 30, 7pm-midnight

Venue: The Roof 恒基·旭辉天地

Address: 458 Madang Road, Huangpu District 黄浦区马当路458弄

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