Daning Park runners on the smarter track

A smart running track at Daning Park.
A smart running track has been installed at Daning Park, the first of its kind in downtown Shanghai.
The five-kilometer track is embedded with Internet of Things and big data.
By scanning their faces at an interactive screen to register, runners can have their health metrics, such as steps, heart rate and calories burned, collected at four spots: the starting point, 1.5km, 3.5km and the end point. They can also check their rankings against all runners.
The route links the park's iconic landmarks such as White Beach and Roman Square, and seasonal flower displays of tulip, lotus and cherry blossom.
At 288 Guangzhong Rd W., Daning Park is one of the largest parks in downtown Shanghai, covering an area of 680,000 square meters, the equivalent of more than 95 football pitches.

Runners can register and have their health metrics collected at the starting point.

Daning Park is one of the largest parks in downtown Shanghai.