Newton's apple tree lands Shanghai Science Hall

A descendant of Newton's apple tree now grows at the Shanghai Science Hall.
A descendant of Isaac Newton's apple tree has been planted at the Shanghai Science Hall.
The original tree, at Newton's childhood home in Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire, UK, is known to the world as it inspired Newton to discover the law of gravity by watching an apple fall.
In 2015, five branches were cut and grafted at the Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden. Over the years, the five trees have grown well, with some fruiting.
The tallest, around 160 centimeters high, was transplanted at the Shanghai Science Hall on Monday.
Matthew Burney, consul general of UK in Shanghai, and some of the city's renowned scientists and young students together watered the tree.
Burney said he hoped the two countries could deepen cooperation in science and technology in the future.