Shanghai issues blue alert as Typhoon Kong-rey nears

Zhu Yuting
Shanghai issued a blue typhoon notice at 9am on Thursday, warning of downpours and gales from Kong-rey.
Zhu Yuting
Shanghai issues blue alert as Typhoon Kong-rey nears

Shanghai is hit by scattered rain on Thursday morning.

Shanghai issued a blue typhoon alert at 9am on Thursday, warning of downpours and gales caused by Typhoon Kong-rey that is expected to hit the country.

In China's four-color weather warning system, blue is the lowest-level alert, followed by yellow, orange and red, with red being the most severe.

Rainstorm is predicted to hit the city between Thursday evening and Friday, said local forecasters.

On Wednesday evening, the National Meteorological Center upgraded the typhoon warning to orange as Kong-rey is expected to make landfall in the southeast coastal sections of Taiwan about noon and then travel northeast along the coasts of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces.

According to the NMC, its eye was 105 kilometers southeast of Taitung, Taiwan, at 10am on Thursday, with wind speeds of up to 198 kilometers per hour. It is expected to move northwest at a speed of 25-30 kph.

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