Zeroing in on applications for 2025 Yau Mathcamp
If you are a high school student who loves mathematics and is passionate about problem solving, here is good news.
The Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences (SIMIS) has announced the 2025 Yau Mathcamp is now open for applications from exceptional mathematics students worldwide.
The camp will take place from July 18 to August 16, 2025, at SIMIS. This year, it will admit about 200 of the very best students from across China, the US, and other countries.
What to expect at the camp?
Students can start by building and creating some basic but solid background knowledge on a range of subjects. They include linear algebra, geometry and topology, number theory, llgebraic combinatorics, and physics.
Students will also work with their coaches and teachers on a daily basis to learn the art of creative problem solving.
In a latter part of the camp, they will hone in on specific math problems in a research project of their choice, and then apply skills they have acquired to try to solve those problems.
There will be a Mathcamp Symposium on the last days of camp that would give students an opportunity to share their research findings with their fellow campers and their teachers.
This year the Yau Mathcamp Best Project Award (BPA) will be continued. Every camper who has completed a research project proposed by their Mathcamp teachers can compete for this award. After they give their research presentations in each class, a selected number of strong projects will be invited to enter the final round of competition, to compete for five BPAs.
A BPA recipient shall receive 6,000 yuan (US$829) in prize money, and an award certificate signed by Professor Shing-Tung Yau, initiator of the camp who won the 1982 Fields Medal for his work in differential geometry.
The highest achieving students at the Mathcamp will receive a recommendation to enter the Yau Research Program (YRP).
Each student, possibly as a member of a small team, in this program would work on a year-long research project under the supervision of a research professor from a prestigious university.
The professor will serve as their mentor throughout the year. The YRP would serve as an extension of a student's Mathcamp experience, giving them an opportunity to develop advanced knowledge, and deep and creative problem-solving skills under the guidance of a seasoned research scientist.
Graduates of this program will be recommended to the very top universities around the world for college admission.
How to apply?
If you are interested in the camp, you can apply at the website ( Applications will be considered on a competitive basis. Don't miss the deadline, which is April 30.
An applicant will compete for a SIMIS International Student Scholarship up to US$8,000. A scholarship winner shall be admitted to the 2025 Yau Mathcamp. The scholarship will cover the US$550 registration fee, a round trip economy airfare of up to US$3,000 if applicable, as well as room and board of US$950.
The results will be announced around May 31, and winners will be duly notified. Mathcamp may consider partial scholarships for eligible students.