US responsible for Security Council impasse over resolution on COVID-19: Chinese diplomat

The UN Security Council holds a meeting on the Iraq issue at the UN headquarters in New York, the United States on March 3, 2020.
The United States is responsible for an impasse in the Security Council over the adoption of a resolution on COVID-19, a Chinese diplomat said on Saturday.
Security Council members had agreed on the text of a draft resolution thanks to the great efforts by France and Tunisia, the co-penholders. China supports the text. The United States also expressed its support.
Surprisingly and regrettably, the United States later reneged, making it impossible for the Security Council to adopt a resolution. The United States undermined the unity of the Security Council and should take full responsibility for today's situation, the Chinese diplomat said.
China has demonstrated maximum flexibility. China will continue to stick to the current text. China favors a Security Council resolution that supports the UN secretary-general's appeal for a global cease-fire, promotes humanitarian response and ensures the safety and security of UN peacekeepers, the Chinese diplomat said.
China favors a resolution that supports the World Health Organization. This position is favored by all council members except one, said the Chinese diplomat, noting that the WHO plays a central role in the coordination of the global fight against COVID-19, in providing essential public health assistance.
The WHO is essential in helping developing countries, including African states, cope with the pandemic, the Chinese diplomat added. The WHO's role was fully reflected in a Security Council resolution on Ebola. The resolution won broad support of the council members.