Student pilots video explainer of Delta variant for deaf people

A screenshot of the educational video for deaf people made by Chen Xin
An undergraduate student from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, posted a self-made video explaining in sign language the super contagious Delta variant to deaf people during the recent outbreak, China Central Television reported today.
The three-minute educational video was made by Chen Xin, a sophomore at Nanjing Polytechnic Institute, with the help of his schoolmates and experts from the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
"Though medics have been warning us of the danger of the Delta variant, few of the deaf are familiar with this jargon," Chen said, explaining his reasons for making the video.
But he also acknowledged the challenges he encountered in the process.
"There are many words for which there is no equivalent in sign language, such as 'Delta.' I had to consult some of my deaf friends to make up the corresponding gestures," he said.
Production of the video took Chen and his friends a full week, during which, little by little, the content was planned, recorded and edited.
Chen is a certificated sign language interpreter and has been doing voluntary work in hospitals, translating between deaf patients and doctors.
He also provided a lot of sign language services during the pandemic in 2020.
"I want to make a contribution to fighting this latest outbreak. I hope that more deaf people can see this video," Chen said.

Chen works as a volunteer translating for deaf people in hospitals.