HKSAR gov't unveils proposals for improving district governance
John Lee, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, on Tuesday held a press conference to announce proposals to improve governance at the district level.
Lee stressed the need to fully implement the "patriots administering Hong Kong" principle and bring the district councils back onto the right track of serving and promoting the well-being of Hong Kong residents.
The proposals on improving governance at the district level are guided by three principles: national security must be put as the topmost priority and the "one country, two systems" principle must be fully and faithfully implemented, the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" must be fully implemented, and executive-led governance must be manifested.
He said the latest district administration review primarily includes two main parts: optimizing the functions and reforming the composition of the district councils to set the system right, and improving the regional governance structure to enhance its effectiveness.
Regarding the reform of the district councils, Lee said that the total number of district councillors in the seventh term will be 470, which is comparable to the current number of 479 district councillors of the sixth term. District councils will be composed of appointed, district committees constituency (DCC), district council geographical constituency (DCGC) and ex-officio members, with appointed, DCC and DCGC members accounting for about 40 percent, 40 percent and 20 percent of the total number of members respectively, plus 27 ex-officio members.
To ensure national security and the full implementation of the "patriots administering Hong Kong" principle, a qualification review system will be introduced for district councils, Lee said, noting that regardless of the channel through which one becomes a district councillor, all candidates must pass the qualification review to confirm their eligibility.
The district councils are expected to return to their original position as non-political power organs to be consulted by the HKSAR government under Article 97 of the Basic Law of the HKSAR, and to be depoliticized, Lee said.
He said, "We must plug the existing loopholes from a systemic level to prevent the district councils from becoming a platform for 'black violence,' 'Hong Kong independence,' or 'mutual destruction,' and prevent the anti-China and destabilizing elements from hijacking, manipulating, or paralyzing the district councils."
Lee said the proposed plan has a solid legal basis and is tailored to the actual situation in Hong Kong, which is conducive to maintaining Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.