Yunnan on road to prosperity — The floral business: A blooming industry in new era

In 2023, Southwest China's Yunnan province maintained its position as the global leader in both the total area and production of fresh-cut flowers. Known as the "Flower City of Asia", Dounan in Kunming, capital city of Yunnan, boasts an annual trade volume of 13.54 billion stems, worth a total of 13.57 billion yuan in trade value.
The prosperity of Yunnan's flower industry relies not only on the province's unique geographical and climatic conditions, but also its world-class flower trading market and distribution system, which serves all of China and most of Asia. Furthermore, diverse sales channels and the rise of live streaming and e-commerce platforms have injected strong impetus into the development of Yunnan's flower industry.
Flowers are nature's gift to Yunnan, just as they are Yunnan's gift to the world. Each flower is a testament to the wisdom and effort of the people of Yunnan, and represents the future direction of China's flower industry. The world will surely see more beautiful flowers from this land.