CHINADA condemns media violating athletes' privacy
China's Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) has strongly condemned the media for leaking Chinese swimmers' private information in a no-fault contamination case in 2021.
"We strongly condemn the unauthorized disclosure of the names and other detailed private information (which should have been confidential) of athletes (including some minors) by ARD, the New York Times, and any other media, organizations and persons, which, in disregard of relevant laws and regulations, is a violation of the media ethics and morals and a serious infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of these athletes," CHINADA said in a statement on Friday.
"CHINADA calls on WADA to investigate into the leaks of private information and reserves its right to take legal action as appropriate," it said.
"We hereby reiterate that CHINADA, as always, will work for the rights and interests of clean athletes and the integrity in sport with a firm work philosophy and principle of independence, impartiality, professionalism and authority," it added.
A total of 23 Chinese swimmers were tested positive for "extremely low concentration" of trimetazidine (TMZ) at a national swimming event in 2021. Through thorough and comprehensive investigation with scientific methods, CHINADA made a conclusion that it was "an isolated mass incident caused by athletes' unknowing consumption of food contaminated with TMZ" and "the athletes involved would be held to have no fault or negligence."
"In the whole investigation process, CHINADA kept WADA and the Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA, now known as World Aquatics) informed of relevant progress, and submitted the evidence from investigation, decisions made by CHINADA and the full case files. Conclusions from the investigation and the decision were accepted by both WADA and FINA," it said in the statement.