Injured Chinese student at MSU shooting paralyzed chest down

Flowers are laid at the base of the spartan statue on the campus of Michigan State University as a tribute to the students killed and wounded in Monday's shooting on February 16, 2023, in East Lansing, Michigan.
A 20-year-old Chinese student who was shot and injured in the on-campus shooting at Michigan State University on February 13 is paralyzed from the chest down, the Detroit News reported Saturday.
The shooting left three students killed and five injured.
The Chinese student surnamed Hao was shot in the back. The bullet severed his spinal cord at the seventh and eighth thoracic vertebra and injured his lungs, paralyzing him from the chest down, the local newspaper quoted roommate Argent Qian as saying.
Hao is stable in the intensive care unit of Sparrow Hospital but still has a breathing tube inserted into his lungs.
A fundraiser has been established to raise money for Hao's medical expenses and to support his family.
Hao's family "are already in a large amount of debt" and will need to take care of Hao "without having any income," Qian wrote in the fundraiser.