Death toll from Afghanistan's floods exceeds 330

Afgan people gather along a road before a floaded area between Samangan and Mazar-i-Sharif following a flash flood after a heavy rainfall in Feroz Nakhchir district of Samangan Province on May 11.
More than 330 were killed as rainstorms and flash floods hit major parts of the provinces of Baghlan, Takhar, Badakhshan and Ghor of Afghanistan, according to the Afghanistan office of the World Food Programme and local Afghan officials.
The UN agency said Saturday on social media that more than 300 people have been killed in northern Baghlan province alone, with more than 1,000 houses destroyed.
"WFP is now distributing fortified biscuits to the survivors," it said.
Local officials said on Saturday that at least 160 people have been killed and 117 others injured as rainstorms and flash floods hit major parts of the provinces of Baghlan, Takhar, Badakhshan and Ghor of war-ravaged Afghanistan.
Afghanistan has been experiencing heavy rain and floods in the past month, leading to casualties and property damage.