◦ Shanghai Maritime University
Maritime court opens a window into China's judiciary practice - Shanghai Metro News

Maritime court opens a window into China's judiciary practice

Many significant cases handled by the court have been published on the Chinese Maritime Cases website a collaborative effort between Tulane University and Shanghai Maritime University.
Dragon Boat Invitational brings international rowers to Suzhou Creek - Sport News

Dragon Boat Invitational brings international rowers to Suzhou Creek

Six teams from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Beihua University Liaocheng University Shanghai Maritime University Shanghai Ocean University and Shanghai Lixin College of Accounting...
East China Normal University international students row to victory - Shanghai Metro News

East China Normal University international students row to victory

Eventually the team from East China Normal University won followed by Shanghai Maritime University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology respectively.
Female mariners share their experiences ahead of women's day - Lifestyle in China

Female mariners share their experiences ahead of women's day

Meanwhile Gong Huijia a lecturer at the Merchant Marine College Shanghai Maritime University is first mate aboard an ocean going ship.
International students are among over 5,700 volunteers at the expo - Shanghai Metro News

International students are among over 5,700 volunteers at the expo

Shanghai Maritime University has 120 volunteers at the expo with 50 of them leaving their dormitories in the Lingang area as early as 3am on the first day.
4-year-old girl still missing, but search continues - Shanghai Metro News

4-year-old girl still missing, but search continues

Two hydrologists from the Shanghai Maritime University have collaborated with the police and participated in a meeting on Saturday to guide the search for the 4 year old girl who...
4-year-old girl reported missing on beach, with search underway - Shanghai Metro News

4-year-old girl reported missing on beach, with search underway

Pudong police said it has coordinated with experts from Shanghai Ocean University and Shanghai Maritime University to study the current direction for further searching.
International maritime safety expert gives lecture in Shanghai - China Event News

International maritime safety expert gives lecture in Shanghai

During the lecture, Heike Deggim spoke highly of the Asian Maritime Technical Cooperation Center (MTCC Asia) sponsored by Shanghai Maritime University.
Full steam ahead for Lingang Special Area - China Event News

Full steam ahead for Lingang Special Area

Song Baoru Party secretary of Shanghai Maritime University emphasized the importance of better talent training programs comprehensively updating the curriculum system teaching material...
Students make waves at Dishui Lake International - Shanghai Metro News

Students make waves at Dishui Lake International

After fierce competition Shanghai Maritime University Tongji University and Shanghai Ocean University won the first second and third place respectively in the university group.